Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to Lose Weight Eating Grapefruit

The Grapefruit (Mayo) Diet helps to lose weight using grapefruit as the focus food. The diet consists of eating grapefruit, salads and lean protein, but severely restricting carbohydrate intake.

The idea is to follow this diet for twelve days and then have a couple of days break before repeating.

Breakfast is two eggs, a couple of bacon rashers, a cup of black coffee, and half a grapefruit.
Lunch consists of salad with dressing, and any lean meat, plus half of a grapefruit.
Dinner can be fish, any kind of non-starchy vegetable, and half a grapefruit.
For supper, a cup of milk or tomato juice will suffice.
Grapefruit is the key. It has the botanical name Citrus paradisi and is easy to peel. It has a flavour between an orange and a lemon, with a little sweetness.

Grapefruit flesh can be blonde, pink, or red in colour. Some varieties are very bitter while others are quite sweet.

The riper grapefruits are, the more antioxidants they contain. They are sources of dietary fiber and vitamins A and C. Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Potassium are the main minerals.

A cup of blonde grapefruit has only 76 calories; a cup of pink grapefruit has 97 calories. Red grapefruit contains more flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Red grapefruit contains lycopene, a carotenoid that fights free radical damage and protects against ultraviolet light.

Eating fresh grapefruit assists weight loss because it makes the body lose 'water' weight. But failing go back on the diet after the two-day break will cause the water weight to return!

With the Grapefruit Diet you basically eat until you feel almost full. You can have all the lean protein and fish you want, but never become bloated.

Never skip meals or eliminate any of the foods on the diet. Bacon and the salads are crucial because the exact combination of foods is what helps the body to burn fat.

Caffeine is limited to one cup of coffee in the morning because too much hinders the fat burning process.

Avoid snacking between meals. You should not feel hungry anyway because the diet plan prevents hunger.

Sugars and starch are absent in this diet. Harmful fructose is completely avoided as that quickly becomes stored as fat.

Fat does not form fat. Sugars turn to fat. You can fry food in butter or coconut oil, and use butter generously on vegetables, yet still lose weight with this diet.

Never eat desserts, bread, or potatoes when on the Grapefruit Diet.

You can eat two or three helpings of meat, salad, or vegetables, but no carbohydrates are allowed. Simply eat until sated.

Up to ten pounds can be lost in twelve days on the first round of the Grapefruit Diet because of the water loss. On subsequent rounds, less weight will be lost.

Always talk to your doctor before starting any diet if you have medical conditions.

How To Lose Weight Easily Without Food Cravings

Everybody wants to know the best tips about how to lose weight easily. You'll want to have it quick and easy when shedding pounds, right? Well there's good news because experts agree that the conventional "eat less, run more" method doesn't work for long-term weight loss. It's needless suffering when you're counting calories and working out for hours in the gym. And especially if you ignore your hunger. These weight loss methods are a total waste of your time. You easily lose your motivation as well. Don't go by the masochistic way for weight loss. You wouldn't want to randomly give up in your weight loss agenda. Get out of being a statistic in the obesity epidemic!

Now, there's an effortless way of losing weight. That's how to lose weight easily. It's weight loss that's all about regulating your hormones. What you should remember in regards to this is to reduce the hormone insulin. It's otherwise known as the fat-storing hormone. Learn effective ways of curbing your insulin secretion and you'll stumble upon the well-kept secret of how to lose weight easily. Here are some tips about how to lose weight easily:

Your diet should be low-carb. It's the most effective diet for losing weight. The most simplistic advice you often hear is to stick to any diet as long as you consume less calories and burn more of it. The problem with this, however, is that it neglects an important mechanism of the body: hunger. Eating less is tantamount to being hungry forever. It's not easy at all, that's why there's a tendency to give up wherein yo-yo dieting results. If you stick to a low-carb diet, you're apt to eat less. You don't even have to count calories because for sure you're consuming less of it. Avoid starch and sugar so that you'll curb your appetite. In a 2012 study, it was found that people who eat low carbs burn 300 calories daily even when they're at rest! It's the same number of calories burned in an hour of moderate to intense physical activity.

You feel hungry? Eat! Being hungry is an uncomfortable feeling. You don't have to experience that. People who stick to a low-carbohydrates diet tend to be afraid of fat. The two main sources of energy for your body are carbohydrates and fat. You need to be well-nourished with one of these so that you'll remain energetic. If you go on a low carb and low fat diet, you'll feel starved. It increases your cravings and feelings of fatigue. You can't keep up with that and it normally results to failure. You eventually give up. While going on a low-carb diet, you can consider eating food sources of natural fat that'll satiate you, such as olive oil, butter, meat and its fat, full-fat cream, eggs, bacon, fatty fish and coconut oil. Eat enough of these foods especially when you're beginning your weight loss program.

Eat foods that are real. It's tempting to buy and munch "low carb" products when you're sticking to a low carbohydrates diet. However, you should eat low carbohydrates that are real foods instead of commercialized and processed foods. Real foods that you should include in your diet are vegetables, meat, fish, butter, eggs, olive oil, etc. Low carb products that you buy in the market are usually loaded with carbs. Even low-carb bread is baked with grains that are far from being what they're called. When your body absorbs these carb-rich foods, your blood sugar and insulin levels increase. As much as you can, eat good quality and unprocessed foods so that you'll feel healthy and satisfied in your effort of how to lose weight easily.

How to Lose Weight Asap Now

Here I am going to tell you how to lose weight asap!

There are many reasons why you may want to lose weight urgently and effectively without hampering your health. Among these reasons are; you want to wed in two weeks time, you want to perform a role in a very great event, your health is in danger and it is compulsory to drop some pounds urgently, your partner is complaining bitterly about your physique and your relationship is being threatened, and all other reasons, including your own.

You must bear in mind that when you are desperate to lose weight, your health is at risk. Another point to consider is the sustainability of the weight you lose. If you drop all activities and go into the gym, will that be sustainable? If you start to starve yourself, will that not affect your health adversely, and don't you know you regain the pounds you lose when you go back to your eating habits?

That is why I want to show you some cool strategies showing you how to lose weight asap in this article. There are a few steps to follow:

Step one. Set a goal. What are you trying to achieve? Why do you want to lose weight as soon as possible? Why not over a period of a year or two. Your reason might be stated above or not. But you need a goal. Do you intend to drop 20 pounds within the next two weeks, two months or 50 pounds within the same period?

Step two. You have to decide the sustainability of the goal. Do you want to maintain your look for a long period of time. For instance, if you are learning how to lose weight asap because of a wedding, you might not care if you return to your status quo after the wedding event. This is different from losing weight asap because of health challenges. In this latter case, you must sustain the weight drop. You must bear this in mind from the very onset.

Step three. What method, or combination of methods will be suitable and best for your set goals. You are not going to copy any individuals' method because you are different than them and your steps one and two and other factors might be different. Are you going on exercise-intensive weight lost, combined with dieting or vice versa? Or do you want to force the weight down with some pills. You will have to settle this fact before proceeding to the next point.

Step four. Now you have to swing to action. All planning without a concrete action plan will hit the rock.

Your goal is to figure out how to lose weight ASAP. Maybe you have a special event coming up or the season is changing and you want to get a new wardrobe, whatever your reason this article shares 3 foolproof strategies that will get the scale dropping as quickly as possible, they will require your effort but if you are willing to follow these instructions you will know how to lose weight ASAP.

1. Keep your calories low and if weight loss slows then "cheat". Please, note that I cannot over flog the calories issue.

2. Shift your carbohydrates out of your diet in the later half of the day. You take the carb-containing diet when you can burn it faster.

3. Maximize your exercise intensity. You have to do this as often as your daily schedule will permit.


How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

The holidays are harshing my mello, if you know what I am saying. Being someone who has had a large weight loss of over 150 pounds, it is still a struggle to not gain weight; especially through the holidays, when the temptation is even greater than the rest of the year.

I am not a special snowflake, let's get that straight. I have been a fat kid, a fat teen and a fat adult. I lost my weight in a contest for money, thinking that after I won, I would go to Vegas and pig out, buffet style.

But, a funny thing happened. The contest that my work put on was for a 6 month period of time. That, my friends, is a long time to "diet." I knew that I had to do something different than I had in the past-I mean, I couldn't do the cabbage soup diet for 6 months, I could die of cabbage poisoning, for God sakes!

I had to change some habits, trick my brain, and not die of hunger. Those were my goals; oh, and eat cake. I was so not giving up my cake...

The long and the short of it-I lost over 150 pounds. That was in 2009 when I started. I have kept off my weight now for 8 years, and I want to tell you how I have done that-and I am not a special snowflake.

I have no more "willpower" than I did when I was fat. I have no special pill or drink you can take. I have no really earth-shattering information that you probably don't already know. Here is what I have done:

I changed some pretty bad habits.

This is numero uno on my list of keeping off my weight. I think that willpower is total BS. That's meant for another article rant, but suffice it to say, when I started to change my habits, that's what made all the difference.

I eat mostly the same stuff, I workout hard at least 5 days a week and I just don't think about it. I am on autopilot. You don't have to have any special powers to be on autopilot, you just have habits that you have formed and really keep to. I am rather boring...

I gave myself some grace. I made up the 49/51% rule because I was always handicapped by fear of failure. I would hold myself to such a high standard that I never could come close to meeting, then when I fell short, I dove into a whole cake and a ton of candy.

Hmmm... can you say "self sabotage?"

I was so afraid to try again and fail that I never ever cut myself some slack. So, in an objective ruse, I tricked my brain into the 49/51% rule.

I would be on point with my diet for 4 days out of the week, and the other 3 days I would be "lax." No, it wasn't a free-for-all, it was lax. If we went out for dinner, I just had what I wanted, If I wanted desert I did it.

I still do this.

I find I meet my goals faster if I cut down to 1-2 days that I am a little more lax, but yes, this has been instrumental in keeping my weight off.

I write crap down-like all of it.

I need to write out what I am doing every day so that I can meet my goals. I do this for my business, and I do this for my diet and exercises. Having a plan really makes me accountable and also solidifies my habits.

If you aren't a fan of writing stuff down, at least plan what you will be doing throughout the day in your own way.

If something isn't working, then its time to change it up.

Now, I am not talking "I want to be a size 4 by next week" and you have to lose 50 pounds. No, I am talking about doing the same thing for weeks, and it not working for you.

For women, then temptation to change their diet to almost no calories is the norm.

Don't be the norm.

My goal now is to be able to eat a bunch and not gain weight. How I did this? I had to heal my metabolism. When I was running 40 miles a week and gaining weight on 1400 calories a day, I had to re-evaluate what would be my best course of action.

The long and short of it:

Willpower has nothing to do with keeping weight off. It has everything to do with habit changes.

It can be tough through the holidays, but I can honestly say the 4 rules above I have lived by for 8 years now, and they work. I am diligent, and formed habits that I try not to deviate from.

When I do deviate from them, because, lets face it, life happens, then I give myself some grace and get right back on the proverbial wagon.

Any one can do this.

Just because someone did it and you haven't yet, doesn't mean they are a "special" snowflake. It means they are following rules you haven't started following yet, that's pretty much it.

So, when you get frustrated, go back to these rules. There is no special "willpower" trick I have for you. I actually have very little self-control and love food, especially chocolate cake more than my children (well, it's a close second), and if I can keep off 150 plus pounds, so can you!

How To Lose Weight And Get In Shape At Home

Is it possible to learn how to lose weight and get in shape at home?

Do you know that awful feeling of anxiety when you must try something new? New situations can bring up feelings of caution, terror, and worry. It's no wonder we sometimes avoid new things and trying something different. Since we don't know what to expect with something new, we want to protect ourselves and those around us from something we can't control. These feelings can leave you feeling trapped because you may be afraid to move out of your comfort zone. Perhaps, this is why you will feel better learning how to lose weight and get in shape at home.

Of course, there could be other reasons, like money, family, or other limitations. But, this is okay. In fact, it is best to learn these things at home so that you can have continued success. Establishing healthy habits at home is difficult but a worthy venture. You will be able to conquer past mistakes and move forward with victory as accomplish your fitness goals.

In my home the fridge is front and center. Being a stay at home mom, I walk past it a hundred times a day. Learning to reign in bad habits and control myself was hard, but not impossible. I learned a few tricks to help me focus on being fit and healthy. I was so surprised when I lost a pants size from taking action and being consistent with my health habits.

How To Lose Weight And Get In Shape At Home

Use time. Time is very valuable and if you use it properly, you can gain more headway. Take 10 minutes a week and plan nutritious meals and snacks. This will also spell out your grocery list for you. This 10 minutes a week will benefit you very well if you are consistent. Once you have your meals planned, stick to them.

Time for you. Make sure you spend at least a half hour to an hour on yourself everyday. Establish a morning routine that includes exercise, meditation, and goal evaluation. That way you are taking action towards your goals.

Time for sleep. Plan a bedtime routine to help you relax and get ready for dreaming. Sleep is essential for being healthy and fit.

Time your meals. Set a specific time for you to eat your meals and snacks. That way you aren't grazing all day and eating throughout the evening.